Weighing Filling logic controller


The weighing logic controller is designed to perform loadcell based automation like weighing based filling, bagging in solid, powder and liquid filling machines. The controller can also be programmed to
be used for various weighing-based applications like set-point indicators, weight transmitters and dynamic weighing system. Because of its dual display format, variety of information can be showed and accessed in the fastest way. The controller has in-built recipe management system using non-volatile memory.


24 V DC

Operating Voltage


High resolution

8 Keys

for Navigation / control

COM Ports

Optional RS-485 port

4 Loadcells

Interfacing capacity

99 Recipes

Program storage

I/O Capabilities

0 0

Relay Outputs

0 0

Relay Outputs

0 0

Transistor Outputs

0 0

Digital Inputs
PNP NO opto-isolated

0 0

Transistor Outputs

0 0

Digital Inputs
PNP NO opto-isolated

Programmable Parameters



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